Examples A1 - A4 all pass.

Examples B1 - B3 pass, B4 fails.

Examples C1 and C2 pass, C3 and C4 fail.

Example D1 passex, D2 - D4 fail.

Example E1 and E2 pass, the two outside elements of E3 and E4 fail.

Example F1 and F2 pass, the inside element of F3 and F4 fail.

Example G1 - G3 pass, the outer element of G4 fail.

Example H1 and H2 pass, the outer element of H3 and H4 fail.

Example I1 and I2 pass, I3 and I4 fail.

Example J1 and J2 pass, J3 and J4 fail.

Example K1 - K3 pass, the middle element of K4 fails.

Example L1 and L2 pass, the outer element of L3 and L4 fail.

Example M1 - M3 pass, the outer element of M4 fail.

Example N1 - N3 pass, the outer element of N4 fail.

Element O1 and O4 pass, the inner element of O2 and O3 fail.