Enterprise web site scans supplement manual evaluations. Approximately 100 WCAG automated checks are run across 1000's of pages. Report includes a summary with graphs, top 10 issues by test, and a separate report of detailed issues. Testing can also be run on a development server to catch issues early in the process and incoprporated into an AGILE development cycle.
Results can be incorporated into formal audit reports or can be
conducted as a separate focus group excercise. Testing is
available with users who have disabilities such as blindness, low
vision, dexterity challenges, cognitive disabilities, deafness or
who are hard of hearing. Findings are summarized in the Executive
Summary and the raw data in an appendix.
We worked with the mobile development team of the Canadian Paralympic Committtee to integrate accessibility into the app used for the PanAm games in Toronto and the Olympics in Rio. The app won high praise from stakeholders with disabilities. We trained the mobile app team at the CBC, which led to a successful launch that was well received by the disability community.
A one-hour meeting which can be extended up to 3 hours, based on necessity and availability of executives. Includes a slide deck of findings, recommendations and a summary of the Roadmap document, a period for questions and answers, a discussion of risk levels for various issues, and ways to save money and increase efficiency and effectiveness of the rollout.
Get issues fixed when the "cement is wet". Reserve "x" number of hours to be used as necessary over a fiscal. Devs contact us by phone, email, Skype, & WebEx. A developer could say, “I’m creating dynamic content, how should I insert it?” We provide a response, record the time it took to answer, research and test the result. We bill monthly. Service in English or French.
There are three major pieces to each audit. The manual assessments, automatic assessments and assistive technological assessments. These are descibed in detail, in the sections above the infographic:
For a quote or just to chat about your organization's needs