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How robust is role="list" and it's child role="listitem"


Test a role="list" and it's child role="listitem" on a bunch of links each in its own table, and all surrounded by another table which all have been given role="presentation".

This is a test for a legacy app which for various reasons requires the layout tables to stay, but must use visual lists. In the actual application there are image bullets in CSS, which are not in this quick test and will not affect the outcome.

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JAWS navigates to the top of the list when "L" is pressed and announces "list of 6 Items". Pressing "i" goes to the next list item, which is announce properly by JAWS. Arrowing through the items does not announce list" or "listitem"

NVDA 2014.2

NVDA does not navigate to the top of the list when "L". However it the first link is tabbed to, it announces "list of 6 Items". Pressing "i" goes to the next list item, which is announce properly. Arrowing through the items does not announce list" or "listitem"

So both do pretty well with it considering all the messy layout tables.