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More than one identical accesskey

Go Home (accesskey w)

Submit is accesskey s

Form 2 identical acceskey

Submit is accesskey s


<a href="" accesskey="w">Go Home (accesskey w)</a>
<form action="submit.htm" method="post">
<label for="name">Name (accesskey n)</label>
<input type="text" id="name" accesskey="n">
<input type="submit" id="submitform" accesskey="s" value="Submit" aria-describedby="p123">
<p id="p345">Submit is accesskey s</p>

<h3>Form 2 identical acceskey </h3>
<form action="submit.htm" method="post">
<label for="name1">Name (accesskey n)</label>
<input type="text" id="name1" accesskey="n">
<input type="submit" id="submitform1" accesskey="s" value="Submit" aria-describedby="p345">
<p id="p345">Submit is accesskey s</p>

Accessibility Support technology used

FireFox32 Cycles through repeated accesskeys.

Cycles through repeated accesskeys. But accesskey "n" doesn't work because JAWS thinks alt Shift N is a table command.

OK Cycles through repeated accesskeys. N/A
IE11 Cycles through repeated accesskeys.

Cycles through repeated accesskeys. But accesskey "n" doesn't work because JAWS thinks alt Shift N is a table command.

the submit buton autosubmits instead of just putting focus ther

OK OK Cycles through repeated accesskeys. Except the submit buton autosubmits instead of just putting focus there N/A
Chrome 37 Cycles through submit, but only goes tothe second input. Only goes to the second instance of any repeated accesskey Only goes to the second instance of any repeated accesskey N/A
Safari MacOS Only goes to the second instance of any repeated accesskey N/A N/A Access key combination does nothing. Doesn't work


Duplicate ACCESSKEY values have sketchy support. The best combination is NVDA with Firefox.