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Empty button vs button with populated text

Button no text with CSS Backgroup icon

Click the button to display an alert box:

Button no text with CSS Backgroup icon

Click the button to display an alert box:


JAWS 15 or NVDA 2014.2 read it OK in FF and IE, but VoiceOver doesn't read the secont row of TH.


<table width="200" border="1">
<td rowspan="2"></td>
<th colspan="2" scope="col">Sales 2013</th>
<th colspan="2" scope="col">Sales 2014</th>
<th scope="col">Actual</th>
<th scope="col">Budget</th>
<th scope="col">Actual</th>
<th scope="col">Budget</th>
<th scope="row">Compact cars</th>
<th scope="row">Sedans</th>